Books, Lectures, & Publications

The Sacred Practice of Integration
Integration is the sacred practice of being and becoming our highest truth. At the core of all spiritual traditions, there is a striving to return to a more harmonious relationship with the world around us and the world within us. Our personal life and professional work are two great arenas where we can cultivate greater awareness, act more courageously, and continuously learn from our experience. When we intentionally engage with life in this way, we enable integration at multiple levels: 1) internal integration of our own psyche, 2) interpersonal integration of with others, and 3) transcendent integration with the Divine. Each is a noble practice in and of itself. Together they can transform everything - our perspective, our attitude toward life, and our sense of purpose. This book explores the motivations, challenges, tools, and practices along the path toward integration and ultimate freedom.
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Tiny House Lean
Insights on Life, Lean, and Organizational Transformation
At the onset of the global pandemic, a lean process and organizational change consultant moved his family of four out of their spacious victorian in San Francisco to a 240 square foot solar-powered tiny house in a small town nestled between scenic mountains and pristine beaches. In the two years that followed, he learned much more about life, lean practice, and organizational change than he had anticipated. This short book shares some of those insights and how they apply to our everyday life and work. Sometimes what is most simple can also be most profound. This talk was presented at the 2021 LCI Congress.
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The Collective Potential
A Holistic Approach to Managing Information Flow in Collaborative Design and Construction Environments
Information flow is the foundation of any project. However, the major limiting factor is not the lack of information, but the inability to effectively integrate useful information into a project. By bringing together the fields of organizational science, organizational behavior, and information science, this book explores the interplay of social, technical, and technological factors influencing information flow. By understanding these concepts, managers can strategically leverage the social and technical characteristics of their project team, processes, and tools to enable positive iterations of trust and learning. These serve as the basis for effective information flow and result in significant improvements in information sharing, decision-making, and project outcomes. This unique perspective provides holistic insights regarding the management of team interactions, project planning, and the overarching structure and strategies used within the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. These findings have significant implications for the: 1) The types of competencies and tools needed in the AEC industry; 2) How the industry approaches management and integration; and 3) The types of organizational structures and innovative strategies that will allow teams to make the best use of their valuable knowledge and realize their greatest collective potential.
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Recent Presentations
Andreas has lectured widely on a spectrum of topics, but his ultimate focus is on the interconnection of behaviors, process, and technology. Some of his most recent presentations are listed below:
Transformation: The Nature of Work – 2022 LCI Congress Keynote in New Orleans, LA – October 19, 2022
Tiny House Lean: Insights on Life, Lean, and Organizational Transformation. 2021 LCI Congress in Phoenix, AZ October 2021 and other conference, PACE Keynote, and regional LCI Chapters.
Transforming Organizational Cost Management - 2017 LCI Congress in Anaheim, CA October 2017
"Words of Change: Language Action Theory in Practice" - presented at the 2016 LCI Congress in Chicago, IL October 2016
"Unlocking the Full Potential of Teams: From Alignment to Custom Strategy Development" - presented at the 2016 LCI Congress in Chicago, IL October 2016
"Could you be getting 30% more out of your capital projects" presented at Houston CoRENet, March 4, 2016
"The Real Value in Lean: Understanding the Behavioral Implications of Lean Process and Techniques" presented at the LCI Congress, October 2014, San Francisco, CA
"Tackling Waste at the Root Cause: A Comprehensive Strategy for Enabling Projects to Start Smart" presented at the LCI Congress, October 2014, San Francisco, CA
"How Owners Ask for Value Through their Solicitations" presented at the LCI Congress, October 2013, Dallas, TX
"Where is the Value in Lean? Optimizing Project Delivery for Design-Build/Alternative Delivery" presented at the California Community College Facility Coalition Conference, November 2013, Sacramento, CA
"Lean Principles, Innovative Technology, and Sustainability: How to Maximize Lifecycle Value and Performance" presented at the Tradeline Lean Facilities Conference, April 2013 in San Diego, CA
"The Co-Evolution of People, Process and Technology: The Socio-Technical Nature of Information Flow Management" presented at the 2013 Spring AGC BIMForum, Miami, FL
"BIM-Enabled Set-Based Design for Net-Zero Energy Buildings" presented to AIA TAP, AGC BIMForum, Healthcare BIM Consortium, Kaiser Permanente, and LCI Lean Design Forum.
"Set-Based Design and Target Value Design" presented at several venues - AIA DesignRealized, Auburn University, the Veterans Administration
"Lean Information Flow Management" presented at several venues - Boston Area AGC/AIA/ABC IPD Community of Practice, DBIA National Conference, internal training sessions at various construction management firms, and LCI Regional Communities of Practice (San Diego, San Francisco, and Sacramento/Central Valley).
"Integrated Performance-Based information Modeling for the Building Enclosure" presented at several venues - 2011 Spring AGC BIMForum, San Diego, CA, and to AIA Technology in Architectural Practice
"Building-Centered Community Development" presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning, April 2007, Algarve, Portugal.
"Sustainable Roofing Systems" presented at several venues - AIA National Convention, Western States Roofing Contractors Conference, Penn State University, and Regional Roofing Consultants Institute Conferences.
Other Publications
Phelps. A. F., and Horman, M.J. (2010) “Ethnographic Theory-Building Research in Construction” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, Special Issue on Research Methodologies (In Print)
Phelps, A. F. and Reddy, M. “The Influence of Boundary Objects on Group Collaboration in Construction Project Teams”, Proceeding from GROUP 2009, May 10–13, 2009, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA
Phelps, A. and Horman, M. (2008) Role of Information Flow Management in the Design and Construction of Exterior Wall Systems. ASCE Architectural Engineering Institute Conference, Denver, CO
Phelps, A. F., Torres, C., Riley, D., and Horman, D. (2007) "Building-Centered Community Development as a Method to Promote Social, Environmental, and Economic Sustainability". Sustainable Development and Planning III, Eds. A. Kungolas, C.A. Brebbia, and E. Berriatos, WIT Press
Phelps, A., Horman, M.J., Barr, M., Brower, J., Riley, D., Vanegas, J. and Pearce, A. (2006) “Bridging the Physics of Building with the Physiology of Health Care: Greening Healthcare Facilities” Journal of Green Building, p. 164-176
Horman, M.J., Riley, D.R., Klotz, L., Dahl, P.K., Phelps, A.F., and Luo, Y. (2006) “Engineering Leadership for High Performance Green Buildings”Proc., 2nd Specialty Conference on Leadership and Management in Construction, May 4-6, Grand Bahama Island, Bahamas: 282-289
Phelps, A. F. (2005) “Is PVC Really the Bad Boy of Sustainable Design?” Interface: The Journal of the Roof Consultants Institute, September 2005.
Floros, J., Phelps, A. F., and Phelps, D. S. “Gene-Environment Interactions,” Proceedings from the The Human Predicament II: An International Dialogue on the Meaning of Human Behavior, Prometheus 2003 Publications
Bell, G.R., Parker, J.C, and Phelps, A.F. (2010) “Value-Focused Design” To be presented at AEC-2010 , the 6th International Conference on Innovation in Architectural Engineering & Construction, June 9-11, 2010, State College, PA